- ISA Certified Arborist WE-2231A
- TRAQ Qualified (Tree Risk Assessment Qualified)
Phillip has 33 years of experience in the Sacramento regions tree care industry. Phil started his career with Sta-Green Tree Service in Carmichael and quickly became the best climber in the company, lead foreman and one of the top climbers in the area. In the early 1990s Phil competed in several International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Western Chapter Tree Climbing.
Competitions where he placed in several categories. Phil has extensive field and supervisory experience in all phase of tree care operations. Phil currently serves as one of three sales representatives in the company and his responsibilities include but are not limited to meeting with prospective and current clients to discuss, diagnose, recommend and sell tree maintenance work. Phil also schedules, manages, and coordinates all aspects of the work he sells, including customer service issues. Phil’s passion for trees and his dedication to Acorn and our industry is evident in his work.